Sunday 6 April 2014

7 Unique Facts About Dreams Mystery That You Don't Know

dreams are always said to be a flower bed or sweeteners when we sleep . From the first, the dream is still so mysterious . A series of studies have not been able to discuss thoroughly the secret behind dreams .

From many studies , there are still many mysteries about the world of dreams . In Indonesia , the dream is often associated with a particular marker or something to do with the supernatural . For example, the dream of holding a baby , means it will get a windfall , or loose teeth dream means there families will die .

if all that is true ? Dreams of millions of mystery , let's peel some facts about dreams . The following 7 unique facts about dreams mystery of the unknown .
  1. While you are sure to remember the dream that happened and remember the details of what happened when you're dreaming , we forget the fact that most of the dream . Approximately 50 percent of the dream will be erased when we woke up 5 minutes . Then after 10 minutes , we will forget 90 percent of dreams .
  2. Based on a study conducted by Jennie Parker , a psychologist from the University of the West of England , women more often experience nightmares than men .
  3. There is a debate between the colors that appear in dreams . Some say that the majority of dreams are actually colorless , aka black and white . But there are also those who say that dreams have color , but a small portion of black and white .
  4. People who do not have the vision to dream scent , touch , light refraction and make it into a series of stories .
  5. The fact that it's a bit odd , it follows that men more often dreamed of men . While women dream of men and women equally. So do not be surprised if the guy very happy if successful dreamed of women, especially women who she likes .
  6. In one bed , we can have about 3 to 7 different dreams . Of normal sleep time , approximately 2 to 3 hours spent on dreaming .
  7. Never watch Inception ? The theory is not a mirage, because we can arrange a dream . The name of this science is the Lucid Dream , which is a person's ability to organize and design a dream . This is quite difficult , but can be trained to keep remembering and writing what you dream immediately after waking naturally .

Those are some facts dreams . Do you believe that the dreams of mystery ? Or just a flower bed ?

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