Sunday 16 December 2012

7 Unique Facts About Underwater World

Underwater world is very beautiful. therefore, many people are diving into the sea to get or enjoy the beauty of the underwater world. Now i will explain 7 Unique facts about underwater world. Let's look at this!!

1. Alexandria, Egypt
Alexandria, the city of Alexander the Great (Macedonian) - the rest of the kingdom of Cleopatra. the city was about one and a half thousand years ago, hit by an earthquake, and Alexandria is almost entirely disappeared under the water, together with all the artifacts, statues, columns and other beauty of the palace of Cleopatra. Project to raise from the water constantly running expert, but while the case is moving slowly. However, you can continue to dive into the underwater ruins of Alexandria.

2. Kwan Phayao, Thailand
Old Thai temple located at the bottom of lake Phayao. The new lake - it was created nearly 70 years ago. And some fans found water ruins temple has become a part of the ecology of the lake and everything should remain intact. 

3. Gulf Of Cambay, India
A few years ago in India, opened a town in 9500. The ruins are under water on the southern coast of India showed the highest level of civilization at the time. It should be noted that to date very old city, known in India, there are only 5 thousand years. Discovery named Golden City, the legendary city of residence Krishna

4. Yonaguni-Jima, Japan
Near the coast of Japan, about twenty years ago, founded the mysterious underwater pyramid. 

5. North Sea, Europe

A scenery found some time ago in the North Sea, Europe.   

6. Havana, Kuba

The group of scientists continues to explore megalithic ruins in the Yucatan channel called near Cuba. They have been found miles along the coast. American archaeologist, who discovered this place, immediately stating that they found Atlantis (not the first time in history, underwater archeology). Now is sometimes visited by scuba divers, and all others who are interested can enjoy only in surveying and computer reconstruction of the buried city water millennial age

7.  Atlantis, Antartika
One hundred years ago, the museum curator in Istanbul made ​​a surprising discovery. By studying the map of the ancient world, he found it marked by mountains, is consistent with the known topography of Antarctica. Atlantologi now using this card, proving that the legendary continent of Atlantis - what is now called Antarctica. Primarily driven by their evidence that the thickness of the ice at the South Pole is a land of enterprise, not beneath the sea, and at the icing on it to grow tropical forests. 

Saturday 15 December 2012

7 Unique Facts About Dream

All people ever dreaming. But, have you know? there is unique facts about dream. well, now i'll explain 7 unique facts about dream to you. let's read this!!

1. Everyone has been Dreaming
Yes, every person ever had a dream. A man, a woman and a baby, even those who claim to have never dreamed. In some studies about people who claimed to have never dreamed, when done research that aided measurement Rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep), it was found that they too had a dream. But the difficulty to remember the dream when they woke up.

2. Dream is too Hard to Remember
The results do J. Allan Hobson about dream , said as many as 95 percent of all dreams are quickly forgotten shortly after waking. Why do we dream hard to remember? According to one of the results of the study, said that the changes in the brain that occur during sleep does not support the processing and storage of information required for memory formation. Brain scans of people who are sleeping indicates that the frontal lobe, an area that plays a key role in memory formation, inactive during REM sleep, the stage in which dreaming occurs.

3. Men and Women have Different Dream
Researchers have found a number of differences between men and women when it 'sees' the content of their dreams. In one study, William Domhoff said, more men dream about aggression and masculinity. While women tend to have a slightly longer dream like a story. In the dream guy, 'a woman' is often present and more dominant in their dreams. As for women, the percentage of the presence of both (male and female) in a dream as big.

4. Animal Also Dreaming?
Have you ever seen a cat wagging its tail while sleeping or moving the legs during sleep? Although it is difficult to say with certainty whether the beast was really dreaming, researchers believe that there is a possibility that the animals are dreaming. Just like humans, animals go through stages that include sleep cycles sleep, rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM).

5. Not Every Dream Have Colour
Do you remember your dreams? if you remember, what about the colors that appear in your dreams? Black and white? Red or Pink ...? as much as 80% of all dreams in color, but few could explain the color, and the only estimate that color black and white. Most of the study subjects admitted only see soft colors / shadows in their dreams.

6. You can Control Your Dream
In a Lucid Dream, the dreamer may be able to control and participate in a dream, the dream to control or manipulate the content of their imaginary experiences in the dream environment. Lucid dream, a term introduced by Frederik van Eeden, Dutch origin psychiatrist said that sometimes we can control our dreams, even the 'continue' dream for a moment when we woke up. Have you ever dreamed of a beautiful but suddenly woke up? And when you wanted to go back to sleep to continue the dream? I believe, one of the million times we dream these dreams sometimes really continue.

7. Negative Emotions are Always Escorted Your Dreams
Over a period of more than forty years, researchers Calvin S. Hall collected more than 50,000 dream reports from college students. These reports were made in the 1990s and revealed that many of the emotions experienced during the dream, including joy, happiness and fear. The most common emotion experienced in dreams is anxiety and negative emotions in general are much more common than positive. How about you?

Actually there are many unique facts about dreams. but, because this blog is 7uniquefacts, only seven unique facts that I just described. thank you for reading my article and thanks for stopping in my blog

Sunday 9 December 2012

7 Unique Facts About Crying

I am sure the reader ever cried. I've also cried (^_^). Well, now I will explain seven unique facts about crying. Let's read this ... !!

As many as 85% of women and 73% of men admitted that anger and sadness will be reduced after crying. Tears are not only produced by emotional feelings alone.

Tears also serves to clean and lubricate the eye, causing irritation of the eyes and yawning can cause increased tear production. Despite producing tears, but the tears and emotional tears due to irritation actually has a different chemical composition.

2. If women are considered more prone to tears, could be right. On average, women cry 47 times a year whereas men cry just 7 times a year.

This is not just because women are considered more emotionally weaker than men, known medical fact that the tear ducts in males have a smaller size than in women. As for the baby, they cry normal duration between 1-3 hours a day.

3. Not only is the time when most people cry, but also duration. Most people spend an average of 6 minutes every time they cry.

4. If you find it difficult and ashamed to shed tears, it looks like we need to think again. According to experts, crying not just the body's response to sadness and frustration, but also healthy.

5. Crying is a way to reduce emotional stress. It is of course very good for health, because stress can negatively impact a person's health. From the research, it is known that tears contain hormones prolactin effective against stress.

Stress is said to have a negative effect on health, stress can increase the risk of heart attack and brain damage. Then the crying can make healthy, because it can eliminate stress.

7. Experts say that crying can lower blood pressure and heart rate and makes a better response to treatment.

Saturday 8 December 2012

7 Unique Facts About The Founders Of Google

For those who are often browsing the internet would be familiar with the "google". Google is the search engine on the internet and was very helpful every internet user to find something that looked for. Oh yeah, have you already know who the founders of Google? yes, the founders are Larry Page and Sergey Brin. well, now I will explain about the seven unique facts about the founder of facebook. let's read it ...!!

1. Larry Page and Sergey Brin initially hostile.
For those who are both intelligent, LP and SB are two people who are often arguing with each other even for small matters such as who should close the door or who is more used to read the newspaper.
Apparently they fought not for hating each other, but they get used to each other competitively. After all, they always end with laugh together

2. Larry Page Wants to Make Auto Transport, Sergey Brin Wanted to Create a Colony on Mars.
This later really realized. At least, try to be realized. Larry The idea started with the electric car project, Sergey ideas realized with Project Virgle.

3. Google Founders ever frustrating.
After consecutive rejected AltaVista, Excite, and (last) Yahoo, LP and SB equally frustrating. Create a Page Technology RankGoogle as they wither before it develops. They never dreamed I would be by now. At that time they thought only one: completing their PhD as soon as possible and improve Google as you go along. Even sangking frustration, I had not glimpsed for 1 week.

4. LP and SB cowering when Eric Schmidt on Google's first office.
LP and SB abetting  tricking Eric  by handing out free credit card company to its employees. Of course Eric dizziness, and additional work: pulling back credit cards from employees who are also trying to hide.

The other day Eric bullied by a sudden there was a pay phone in his office. Also Refrigerator and massage chairs. If Eric did not have a sense of humor, he might go ballistic. But he was conscious of being bullied two founders. So sing relented sane

5. False stories for company names
Surname Google publicized by the company as a story of misspellings of the word Googol, which means the number 1 followed by 100 zeros into Google.

In fact, according to one leaked early Google employee, said Google actually comes from the word "Go Girl!", Where Sergey Brin someday acquire the idea while watching a sports game with the shouting Cherleader Go Girl! Go Girl! (gogel)

The story is supported by two facts dubious: Sergey Brin likes to watch the Cherleader, and second: Google sponsoring the Cherleader to put the writing on the shirt Cherleader Google. Why have created fake stories that make sense, because the negative connotations GoGirl is not in accordance with the company's image if one wanted to go public.

6. Sergey Brin more flirtatious than Larry Page
If women's affairs, Larry Page is more conservative than Sergey Brin.

7. Google Earning 
In 2000, Google could generate $ 7 million profit a year. In 2004 profits increased to 12 million dollars a month. And in 2005, their profits 2 million dollars a day. And increased steadily every year until now.

Friday 7 December 2012

7 Food That Should Not be Stored in The Refrigerator

Have you store food in the refrigerator? What is the reason you keep food in refrigerator ? of course you hope that the food will still fresh, isn't it? but, there are some foods that should not be stored in the refrigerator. because if stored in the refrigerator vitamin content will decrease or disappear. Well, now I will explain seven food should not be stored in the refrigerator. let's read it ...!

1. Watermelon
This fruits that rich in water has a content of anti-cancer called lycopene. Unique, levels of lycopene in watermelon will rise to 40 percent if left at room temperature.

2. Tomatoes
The fruit that can be consumed in fresh condition, mixed salad, and become a juice, it rich in antioxidants lycopene and vitamins A, C, and K. Fruit that more red , the higher the content of likopennya. Therefore, it is suggested fruit stored at room temperature and eaten when the fruit matures.

3. Peaches
Store peaches at room temperature without removing the stems to prevent rot. Peaches have a high fiber content, vitamins A and C, niacin and potassium and minerals that can increase good cholesterol. Once the fruit is mature, consumption immediately . Enjoy peaches with the skin to get more vitamins, fitokemikal, and fiber.

4. Mango
Fruits rich in vitamin C should be kept in a basket of fruit, not in the refrigerator, so precocious. Mango fruit also contains natural intestinal enzymes that can help indigestion disturbance.

5. AvocadoThis includes fruit that is not easy to mature after being picked from the tree. So, if you buy the avocados with a surface that is hard, do not store it in the refrigerator. Storage in the refrigerator will only slow down the ripening process.

6. Potatoes
Potatoes like cool, not cold temperatures. They do best at around 45 degrees F, which is about 10 degrees warmer than the average refrigerator. Most of us don’t have a root cellar (a cool, dark place to store root vegetables like potatoes), so keeping them in a paper bag in a coolish spot (like a pantry) is best. Why paper? It’s more breathable then plastic so potatoes won’t succumb to rot as easily. And why not the fridge? Storing potatoes at cold temperatures converts their starch to sugar more quickly, which can affect the flavor, texture and the way they cook.

7. Onions
Onions don’t come out of the ground with that protective papery skin. To develop and keep that dry outer layer, they need to be “cured” and kept in a dry environment like a pantry, which is not as damp as the refrigerator. Also, lack of air circulation will cause onions to spoil, as will storing them near potatoes, which give off moisture and gas that can cause onions to spoil quickly. Store onions in a cool, dry, dark, well-ventilated place. (Light can cause the onions to become bitter.) Scallions and chives, however, have a higher water content, bruise more easily and have a shorter shelf life, so store these alliums in the fridge.

Thursday 6 December 2012

7 Unique Facts About Titanic Ship Version 7UniqueFacts

I'm sure readers have ever heard Titanic. Yes, Titanic is the largest ship of its time. However, on 15 April 1912 Titanic ship is sinking. Well, now I will explain seven unique facts about Titanic Ship version 7UniqueFacts. Let's read this..!!!

1. Price of The Ticket are so Unique and Expensive

Ticket prices at the time of titanic ship will sail as follows: $4350 (first class), $ 1750 dollars (for a second-class ticket), and 30 dollars for (third-class ticket). Wow, so expensive for the time. and the price very difference between ticket "first class " to "class three " very different.

2. How much Cargo is Transported Titanic at That Moment?
When the voyage, Titanic carry 900 tons of cargo items in the trunk. With large ships and the number of passengers reached approximately 2000 people, the Titanic needs 14 thousand gallons of drinking water every 24 hours, and 825 tons of coal per day for a cruise.

3. Facts from The Novel by Morgan Robertson in 1998
About 14 years before the Titanic sailed, a novelist named Morgan Robertson had made ​​a novel entitled 'Futility' in 1898.  In his novel, Morgan writes about a great ship named 'Titan' struck an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean on a cold night in April. Either just written or expert astrologer, Morgan writing the facts right. Titanic struck an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912.

4.  There is Two Dog Survived
In the sinking Titanic, there are two dogs who survived. Dogs that survived were of a kind Pomeranian and Peking. Somehow the story, two dogs managed to get into lifeboats and ultimately survived. Estimated that, when the ship began to sink, the dogs follow their owners are running around looking for a lifeboat. That's when the dogs are helped up to the lifeboat. Actually there are nine dogs on board the Titanic as recorded on the register or list passengers. However, only two dogs that survived.

5. None of The Cats were in The Titanic Ship
Cats usually a symbol of good luck some people. It often carry wherever go, including boarded the ship to sail. Apparently, during the voyage, Titanic did not carry seekorpun cat in it. Titanic Ship owners do not allow cats to control mice (rodents) on the ship. And the men of the Titanic watching closely every passenger who boarded the ship. 

6. Honey Moon
Of the thousands of passengers, there were 13 couples who were celebrating their wedding honey moon.

7. Survival Time
Having hit the iceberg, the Titanic still survive to float for 2 hours 40 minutes.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

7 Unique Fact About Firefly

Have you ever seen a firefly? Firefly is animal that have light in tail. We can see firefly at the night. And now i will explain 7 unique facts about firefly. Let's read the following Article :

1. Only Male Fireflies can Flying

If you see fireflies in flight, that fireflies are certainly male sex. Why such? Yes, because only male fireflies that has wings, while the females stick to foliage and soil.

2. Firefly Include in The Family of Coleoptera

There are more than 2000 species of fireflies scattered in tropical regions throughout the world. They can be found in humid areas, such as swamps and areas planted with trees. In humid areas, that fireflies found a great source of food for the larvae.

3. Firefly Light Not Heat

This is the unique facts of a firefly! The light that they produce is light without heat is called Luminescence. Luminescence in the firefly's body produced by a substance called Luciferin. Well, this Luciferin substance combines with oxygen to give off light.

4. Luciferin Substances Remains a Mystery 

Luciferin substances remains a mystery of nature until now. Although scientists have been able to make the same kind of light generated by fireflies, scientists still have to take some elements from the body of the firefly, because the chemists have not been able to make such substances.

5. Except as a Sign of Danger, The Fireflies Light Used to Attract Couples

In the adult fireflies, in addition to a sign of danger, the fireflies light used to attract couples. Not only adult fireflies, baby firefly larvae that are still well off light. Light on larval useful to warn other animals that would prey on them from approaching.

6. Fireflies Used as a Lantern

Ancient Chinese people often put fireflies in a transparent box for later use as a lantern.

7. Female Firefly doing Activity During The Day  

 Not all fireflies in the evening activity. There is also a firefly that activity during the day. They are that out during the day is generally not give off light, that is female fireflies.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

7 Unique Facts About Meteor Craters Version 7uniquefacts

Have you ever seen the crater? In this time , i will discuss about meteor crater. Meteor crater is a crater[phe formed by a meteorite hitting the Earth. And here are seven unique facts about meteor crater version 7uniquefacts.

1. Bosumtwi crater in Ghana   

This crater is located 30 km south-east of Kumasi, Ghana. Lake Bosumtwi is the nature of a collision meteor impact 1.3 million years ago.

This crater diameter is 10.6 km depth of 45 m. Continuous rain flooded the former makes the collision formed a lake. Local belief that lake is a place where the souls of dead to confront the god Twi.

  2. Barringer Crater in Arizona, United State

In 49,000 years ago a meteorite the size "only" 150 ft and weight + / - 300,000 tonnes of contained nickel and iron with a speed of 40,000 miles / hour hit the Earth, the result of a meteor collision can be seen 55 km east Flasgaff, Arizona USA called Barringer Crater . This crater is the unique facts of the best preserved crater until now, the same forces that produced 20 million tons of TNT explosion!
The result is the diameter of 148 ft (45 m) with a depth of 175 m, was discovered by Daniel Barringer in 1902 for mining, up to this day is still a family-owned crater Barringer. Also called Meteor Crater, Coon Butte, and Canyon Diablo.

3. Deep Bay Crater in Canada
The crater is located in Southwestern Lake in Saskatchewan, Canada with a width of 13 km and a depth of 220 m occurred about 100 million years ago. Judging from its structure, indeed almighty crash.

 4. Aorounga impact crater in Chad
Unique facts, the Aorunga is when a meteorite is 1 mile (1.6 km), which hit Earth some 2-300 million years ago, in an area in the Sahara desert north of Chad, Africa, collisions can occur approximately 1 million years.

5. Mistastin Lake in Canada
Next unique facts located in Labrador, Canada. Mistastin Lake is a form of meteorite hit the Earth the result, the result a hole with a diameter of 28 km was gaping in the earth's crust.

6. Kara-Kul in Tajikistan
This is a unique fact in an altitude of 13,000 feet (3,900 m) above sea level, there is Kara - Kul. also known sebagaiQarokul: 16 miles (25km) wide lake in the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan, near the Chinese border.

The lake is actually located within 28 miles (45km) wide circular depression, which was hit by a meteorite approximately 5 million years ago, Kara-kul was found only recently, through satellite imagery.

7.  Gosses Bluff in Australia
Around 142 million years ago a comet with a width of 22 km hit land Autralia, with a speed of 40 km / sec, can be likened to 22,000 megatons of TNT explosions, wow. . . it produces a pretty impressive unique facts which have a diameter of 24 km with a depth of 5000 m.

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